
  1. Start by using the File Explorer to create a folder called GitHub on your Desktop. Then, open that folder and create a folder called Create With Code. We will use this folder when we clone the repository holding our starter code from GitHub.
  2. Before you can clone from GitHub to a computer you will need to edit the Git configuration. Otherwise the SKSD firewall will trip you up. So:
    • Right-click in File Explorer and choose Git Bash Here from the context menu.
    • A terminal window will open running the Bash shell (a shell is a program that executes commands that you type).
    • In Git Bash type this command:

       git config --global http.sslverify false
    • Proofread and if it is right, hit the Enter key to run the command. If you need to make changes you can use the arrow keys to move around and edit what you typed.
    • Any output from the command indicates an error – most likely a typo, proofread again. You can use the up arrow key to move back through your command history.
    • You only have to do this once on a computer – but you will have to do it each time you try to clone, fetch, or push changes back to GitHub on a new computer.
  3. Next, in your borowser, click on the link to go to the starter code repository on GitHub SKHS-GDP-2019-2020/Prototype-1. When you get there, find the Fork button at click on it to make your own copy of the code.
  4. To work with your fork of the Prototype-1 repository in Unity, you will need a copy on your computer. Git calls this step cloning. Start by finding the green Clone or Download button.
  5. Click on the Clone or Download button and select the Open in Desktop option.
    • Since you probably haven’t used GitHub Desktop on this computer before, this will take you to the GitHub Desktop download page.
    • Go ahead and download the Windows 64-bit version.
    • After GitHub Desktop downloads double-click on the dowloaded file in the lower left corner of your browser window.
    • Run the installer.
    • GitHub Desktop does not install globally (for all users), this is why you can install it. But this also means that you will have to do this anytime you are using a new computer.
  6. GitHub Desktop will launch.
  7. Sign in to your GitHub account.
  8. Under Your Repositories select Prototype-1.
  9. For the Local Path, click on the Choose button and navigate to the folder you created is step 1 (e.g., C:\Users<your login name>\Desktop\GitHub\Create With Code).

    The reason it is ok to accept the default is that you are going to be pushing your changes to GitHub regularly. So the risk if losing work on the C: drive is reduced. In exchange you will get better performance from Unity.

  10. Click on the blue Clone button and GitHub Desktop will copy the repository to your computer.
  11. Finally, make a branch named step-1 – having a common naming pattern for our branches will make it easier to talk about where we are in the project.

All that is left is to submit your work. Follow the instructions on the Submission tab to do that.